EMNLP.2022 - Industry Track

Total: 65

#1 Unsupervised Term Extraction for Highly Technical Domains [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Francesco Fusco ; Peter Staar ; Diego Antognini

Term extraction is an information extraction task at the root of knowledge discovery platforms. Developing term extractors that are able to generalize across very diverse and potentially highly technical domains is challenging, as annotations for domains requiring in-depth expertise are scarce and expensive to obtain. In this paper, we describe the term extraction subsystem of a commercial knowledge discovery platform that targets highly technical fields such as pharma, medical, and material science. To be able to generalize across domains, we introduce a fully unsupervised annotator (UA). It extracts terms by combining novel morphological signals from sub-word tokenization with term-to-topic and intra-term similarity metrics, computed using general-domain pre-trained sentence-encoders. The annotator is used to implement a weakly-supervised setup, where transformer-models are fine-tuned (or pre-trained) over the training data generated by running the UA over large unlabeled corpora. Our experiments demonstrate that our setup can improve the predictive performance while decreasing the inference latency on both CPUs and GPUs. Our annotators provide a very competitive baseline for all the cases where annotations are not available.

#2 DynaMaR: Dynamic Prompt with Mask Token Representation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Xiaodi Sun ; Sunny Rajagopalan ; Priyanka Nigam ; Weiyi Lu ; Yi Xu ; Iman Keivanloo ; Belinda Zeng ; Trishul Chilimbi

Recent research has shown that large language models pretrained using unsupervised approaches can achieve significant performance improvement on many downstream tasks. Typically when adapting these language models to downstream tasks, like a classification or regression task, we employ a fine-tuning paradigm in which the sentence representation from the language model is input to a task-specific head; the model is then fine-tuned end-to-end. However, with the emergence of models like GPT-3, prompt-based fine-tuning has been proven to be a successful approach for few-shot tasks. Inspired by this work, we study discrete prompt technologies in practice. There are two issues that arise with the standard prompt approach. First, it can overfit on the prompt template. Second, it requires manual effort to formulate the downstream task as a language model problem. In this paper, we propose an improvement to prompt-based fine-tuning that addresses these two issues. We refer to our approach as DynaMaR – Dynamic Prompt with Mask Token Representation. Results show that DynaMaR can achieve an average improvement of 10% in few-shot settings and improvement of 3.7% in data-rich settings over the standard fine-tuning approach on four e-commerce applications.

#3 A Hybrid Approach to Cross-lingual Product Review Summarization [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Saleh Soltan ; Victor Soto ; Ke Tran ; Wael Hamza

We present a hybrid approach for product review summarization which consists of: (i) an unsupervised extractive step to extract the most important sentences out of all the reviews, and (ii) a supervised abstractive step to summarize the extracted sentences into a coherent short summary. This approach allows us to develop an efficient cross-lingual abstractive summarizer that can generate summaries in any language, given the extracted sentences out of thousands of reviews in a source language. In order to train and test the abstractive model, we create the Cross-lingual Amazon Reviews Summarization (CARS) dataset which provides English summaries for training, and English, French, Italian, Arabic, and Hindi summaries for testing based on selected English reviews. We show that the summaries generated by our model are as good as human written summaries in coherence, informativeness, non-redundancy, and fluency.

#4 Augmenting Operations Research with Auto-Formulation of Optimization Models From Problem Descriptions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Rindra Ramamonjison ; Haley Li ; Timothy Yu ; Shiqi He ; Vishnu Rengan ; Amin Banitalebi-dehkordi ; Zirui Zhou ; Yong Zhang

We describe an augmented intelligence system for simplifying and enhancing the modeling experience for operations research. Using this system, the user receives a suggested formulation of an optimization problem based on its description. To facilitate this process, we build an intuitive user interface system that enables the users to validate and edit the suggestions. We investigate controlled generation techniques to obtain an automatic suggestion of formulation. Then, we evaluate their effectiveness with a newly created dataset of linear programming problems drawn from various application domains.

#5 Knowledge Distillation based Contextual Relevance Matching for E-commerce Product Search [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Ziyang Liu ; Chaokun Wang ; Hao Feng ; Lingfei Wu ; Liqun Yang

Online relevance matching is an essential task of e-commerce product search to boost the utility of search engines and ensure a smooth user experience. Previous work adopts either classical relevance matching models or Transformer-style models to address it. However, they ignore the inherent bipartite graph structures that are ubiquitous in e-commerce product search logs and are too inefficient to deploy online. In this paper, we design an efficient knowledge distillation framework for e-commerce relevance matching to integrate the respective advantages of Transformer-style models and classical relevance matching models. Especially for the core student model of the framework, we propose a novel method using k-order relevance modeling. The experimental results on large-scale real-world data (the size is 6 174 million) show that the proposed method significantly improves the prediction accuracy in terms of human relevance judgment. We deploy our method to JD.com online search platform. The A/B testing results show that our method significantly improves most business metrics under price sort mode and default sort mode.

#6 Accelerating the Discovery of Semantic Associations from Medical Literature: Mining Relations Between Diseases and Symptoms [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Alberto Purpura ; Francesca Bonin ; Joao Bettencourt-silva

Medical literature is a vast and constantly expanding source of information about diseases, their diagnoses and treatments. One of the ways to extract insights from this type of data is through mining association rules between such entities. However, existing solutions do not take into account the semantics of sentences from which entity co-occurrences are extracted. We propose a scalable solution for the automated discovery of semantic associations between different entities such as diseases and their symptoms. Our approach employs the UMLS semantic network and a binary relation classification model trained with distant supervision to validate and help ranking the most likely entity associations pairs extracted with frequency-based association rule mining algorithms. We evaluate the proposed system on the task of extracting disease-symptom associations from a collection of over 14M PubMed abstracts and validate our results against a publicly available known list of disease-symptom pairs.

#7 PENTATRON: PErsonalized coNText-Aware Transformer for Retrieval-based cOnversational uNderstanding [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Niranjan Uma Naresh ; Ziyan Jiang ; Ankit Ankit ; Sungjin Lee ; Jie Hao ; Xing Fan ; Chenlei Guo

Conversational understanding is an integral part of modern intelligent devices. In a large fraction of the global traffic from customers using smart digital assistants, frictions in dialogues may be attributed to incorrect understanding of the entities in a customer’s query due to factors including ambiguous mentions, mispronunciation, background noise and faulty on-device signal processing. Such errors are compounded by two common deficiencies from intelligent devices namely, (1) the device not being tailored to individual customers, and (2) the device responses being unaware of the context in the conversation session. Viewing this problem via the lens of retrieval-based search engines, we build and evaluate a scalable entity correction system, PENTATRON. The system leverages a parametric transformer-based language model to learn patterns from in-session customer-device interactions coupled with a non-parametric personalized entity index to compute the correct query, which aids downstream components in reasoning about the best response. In addition to establishing baselines and demonstrating the value of personalized and context-aware systems, we use multitasking to learn the domain of the correct entity. We also investigate the utility of language model prompts. Through extensive experiments, we show a significant upward movement of the key metric (Exact Match) by up to 500.97% (relative to the baseline).

#8 Machine translation impact in E-commerce multilingual search [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Bryan Zhang ; Amita Misra

Previous work suggests that performance of cross-lingual information retrieval correlates highly with the quality of Machine Translation. However, there may be a threshold beyond which improving query translation quality yields little or no benefit to further improve the retrieval performance. This threshold may depend upon multiple factors including the source and target languages, the existing MT system quality and the search pipeline. In order to identify the benefit of improving an MT system for a given search pipeline, we investigate the sensitivity of retrieval quality to the presence of different levels of MT quality using experimental datasets collected from actual traffic. We systematically improve the performance of our MT systems quality on language pairs as measured by MT evaluation metrics including Bleu and Chrf to determine their impact on search precision metrics and extract signals that help to guide the improvement strategies. Using this information we develop techniques to compare query translations for multiple language pairs and identify the most promising language pairs to invest and improve.

#9 Ask-and-Verify: Span Candidate Generation and Verification for Attribute Value Extraction [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Yifan Ding ; Yan Liang ; Nasser Zalmout ; Xian Li ; Christan Grant ; Tim Weninger

The product attribute value extraction (AVE) task aims to capture key factual information from product profiles, and is useful for several downstream applications in e-Commerce platforms. Previous contributions usually formulate this task using sequence labeling or reading comprehension architectures. However, sequence labeling models tend to be conservative in their predictions resulting in a high false negative rate. Existing reading comprehension formulations, on the other hand, can over-generate attribute values which hinders precision. In the present work we address these limitations with a new end-to-end pipeline framework called Ask-and-Verify. Given a product and an attribute query, the Ask step detects the top-K span candidates (i.e. possible attribute values) from the product profiles, then the Verify step filters out false positive candidates. We evaluate Ask-and-Verify model on Amazon’s product pages and AliExpress public dataset, and present a comparative analysis as well as a detailed ablation study. Despite its simplicity, we show that Ask-and-Verify outperforms recent state-of-the-art models by up to 3.1% F1 absolute improvement points, while also scaling to thousands of attributes.

#10 Consultation Checklists: Standardising the Human Evaluation of Medical Note Generation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi]

Authors: Aleksandar Savkov ; Francesco Moramarco ; Alex Papadopoulos Korfiatis ; Mark Perera ; Anya Belz ; Ehud Reiter

Evaluating automatically generated text is generally hard due to the inherently subjective nature of many aspects of the output quality. This difficulty is compounded in automatic consultation note generation by differing opinions between medical experts both about which patient statements should be included in generated notes and about their respective importance in arriving at a diagnosis. Previous real-world evaluations of note-generation systems saw substantial disagreement between expert evaluators. In this paper we propose a protocol that aims to increase objectivity by grounding evaluations in Consultation Checklists, which are created in a preliminary step and then used as a common point of reference during quality assessment. We observed good levels of inter-annotator agreement in a first evaluation study using the protocol; further, using Consultation Checklists produced in the study as reference for automatic metrics such as ROUGE or BERTScore improves their correlation with human judgements compared to using the original human note.

#11 Towards Need-Based Spoken Language Understanding Model Updates: What Have We Learned? [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Quynh Do ; Judith Gaspers ; Daniil Sorokin ; Patrick Lehnen

In productionized machine learning systems, online model performance is known to deteriorate over time when there is a distributional drift between offline training and online application data. As a remedy, models are typically retrained at fixed time intervals, implying high computational and manual costs. This work aims at decreasing such costs in productionized, large-scale Spoken Language Understanding systems. In particular, we develop a need-based re-training strategy guided by an efficient drift detector and discuss the arising challenges including system complexity, overlapping model releases, observation limitation and the absence of annotated resources at runtime. We present empirical results on historical data and confirm the utility of our design decisions via an online A/B experiment.

#12 Knowledge Distillation Transfer Sets and their Impact on Downstream NLU Tasks [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Charith Peris ; Lizhen Tan ; Thomas Gueudre ; Turan Gojayev ; Pan Wei ; Gokmen Oz

Teacher-student knowledge distillation is a popular technique for compressing today’s prevailing large language models into manageable sizes that fit low-latency downstream applications. Both the teacher and the choice of transfer set used for distillation are crucial ingredients in creating a high quality student. Yet, the generic corpora used to pretrain the teacher and the corpora associated with the downstream target domain are often significantly different, which raises a natural question: should the student be distilled over the generic corpora, so as to learn from high-quality teacher predictions, or over the downstream task corpora to align with finetuning? Our study investigates this trade-off using Domain Classification (DC) and Intent Classification/Named Entity Recognition (ICNER) as downstream tasks. We distill several multilingual students from a larger multilingual LM with varying proportions of generic and task-specific datasets, and report their performance after finetuning on DC and ICNER. We observe significant improvements across tasks and test sets when only task-specific corpora is used. We also report on how the impact of adding task-specific data to the transfer set correlates with the similarity between generic and task-specific data. Our results clearly indicate that, while distillation from a generic LM benefits downstream tasks, students learn better using target domain data even if it comes at the price of noisier teacher predictions. In other words, target domain data still trumps teacher knowledge.

#13 Exploiting In-Domain Bilingual Corpora for Zero-Shot Transfer Learning in NLU of Intra-Sentential Code-Switching Chatbot Interactions [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Maia Aguirre ; Manex Serras ; Laura García-sardiña ; Jacobo López-fernández ; Ariane Méndez ; Arantza Del Pozo

Code-switching (CS) is a very common phenomenon in regions with various co-existing languages. Since CS is such a frequent habit in informal communications, both spoken and written, it also arises naturally in Human-Machine Interactions. Therefore, in order for natural language understanding (NLU) not to be degraded, CS must be taken into account when developing chatbots. The co-existence of multiple languages in a single NLU model has become feasible with multilingual language representation models such as mBERT. In this paper, the efficacy of zero-shot cross-lingual transfer learning with mBERT for NLU is evaluated on a Basque-Spanish CS chatbot corpus, comparing the performance of NLU models trained using in-domain chatbot utterances in Basque and/or Spanish without CS. The results obtained indicate that training joint multi-intent classification and entity recognition models on both languages simultaneously achieves best performance, better capturing the CS patterns.

#14 Calibrating Imbalanced Classifiers with Focal Loss: An Empirical Study [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Cheng Wang ; Jorge Balazs ; György Szarvas ; Patrick Ernst ; Lahari Poddar ; Pavel Danchenko

Imbalanced data distribution is a practical and common challenge in building production-level machine learning (ML) models in industry, where data usually exhibits long-tail distributions. For instance, in virtual AI Assistants, such as Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa and Apple Siri, the “play music” or “set timer” utterance is exposed to an order of magnitude more traffic than other skills. This can easily cause trained models to overfit to the majority classes, categories or intents, lead to model miscalibration. The uncalibrated models output unreliable (mostly overconfident) predictions, which are at high risk of affecting downstream decision-making systems. In this work, we study the calibration of production models in the industry use-case of predicting product return reason codes in customer service conversations of an online retail store; The returns reasons also exhibit class imbalance. To alleviate the resulting miscalibration in the production ML model, we streamline the model development and deployment using focal loss (CITATION).We empirically show the effectiveness of model training with focal loss in learning better calibrated models, as compared to standard cross-entropy loss. Better calibration, in turn, enables better control of the precision-recall trade-off for the models deployed in production.

#15 Unsupervised training data re-weighting for natural language understanding with local distribution approximation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Jose Garrido Ramas ; Dieu-thu Le ; Bei Chen ; Manoj Kumar ; Kay Rottmann

One of the major challenges of training Natural Language Understanding (NLU) production models lies in the discrepancy between the distributions of the offline training data and of the online live data, due to, e.g., biased sampling scheme, cyclic seasonality shifts, annotated training data coming from a variety of different sources, and a changing pool of users. Consequently, the model trained by the offline data is biased. We often observe this problem especially in task-oriented conversational systems, where topics of interest and the characteristics of users using the system change over time. In this paper we propose an unsupervised approach to mitigate the offline training data sampling bias in multiple NLU tasks. We show that a local distribution approximation in the pre-trained embedding space enables the estimation of importance weights for training samples guiding re-sampling for an effective bias mitigation. We illustrate our novel approach using multiple NLU datasets and show improvements obtained without additional annotation, making this a general approach for mitigating effects of sampling bias.

#16 Cross-Encoder Data Annotation for Bi-Encoder Based Product Matching [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Justin Chiu ; Keiji Shinzato

Matching a seller listed item to an appropriate product is an important step for an e-commerce platform. With the recent advancement in deep learning, there are different encoder based approaches being proposed as solution. When textual data for two products are available, cross-encoder approaches encode them jointly while bi-encoder approaches encode them separately. Since cross-encoders are computationally heavy, approaches based on bi-encoders are a common practice for this challenge. In this paper, we propose cross-encoder data annotation; a technique to annotate or refine human annotated training data for bi-encoder models using a cross-encoder model. This technique enables us to build a robust model without annotation on newly collected training data or further improve model performance on annotated training data. We evaluate the cross-encoder data annotation on the product matching task using a real-world e-commerce dataset containing 104 million products. Experimental results show that the cross-encoder data annotation improves 4% absolute accuracy when no annotation for training data is available, and 2% absolute accuracy when annotation for training data is available.

#17 Deploying a Retrieval based Response Model for Task Oriented Dialogues [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Lahari Poddar ; György Szarvas ; Cheng Wang ; Jorge Balazs ; Pavel Danchenko ; Patrick Ernst

Task-oriented dialogue systems in industry settings need to have high conversational capability, be easily adaptable to changing situations and conform to business constraints. This paper describes a 3-step procedure to develop a conversational model that satisfies these criteria and can efficiently scale to rank a large set of response candidates. First, we provide a simple algorithm to semi-automatically create a high-coverage template set from historic conversations without any annotation. Second, we propose a neural architecture that encodes the dialogue context and applicable business constraints as profile features for ranking the next turn. Third, we describe a two-stage learning strategy with self-supervised training, followed by supervised fine-tuning on limited data collected through a human-in-the-loop platform. Finally, we describe offline experiments and present results of deploying our model with human-in-the-loop to converse with live customers online.

#18 Tackling Temporal Questions in Natural Language Interface to Databases [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Ngoc Phuoc An Vo ; Octavian Popescu ; Irene Manotas ; Vadim Sheinin

Temporal aspect is one of the most challenging areas in Natural Language Interface to Databases (NLIDB). This paper addresses and examines how temporal questions being studied and supported by the research community at both levels: popular annotated dataset (e.g. Spider) and recent advanced models. We present a new dataset with accompanied databases supporting temporal questions in NLIDB. We experiment with two SOTA models (Picard and ValueNet) to investigate how our new dataset helps these models learn and improve performance in temporal aspect.

#19 Multi-Tenant Optimization For Few-Shot Task-Oriented FAQ Retrieval [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Asha Vishwanathan ; Rajeev Warrier ; Gautham Vadakkekara Suresh ; Chandra Shekhar Kandpal

Business-specific Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) retrieval in task-oriented dialog systems poses unique challenges vis à vis community based FAQs. Each FAQ question represents an intent which is usually an umbrella term for many related user queries. We evaluate performance for such Business FAQs both with standard FAQ retrieval techniques using query-Question (q-Q) similarity and few-shot intent detection techniques. Implementing a real-world solution for FAQ retrieval in order to support multiple tenants (FAQ sets) entails optimizing speed, accuracy and cost. We propose a novel approach to scale multi-tenant FAQ applications in real-world context by contrastive fine-tuning of the last layer in sentence Bi-Encoders along with tenant-specific weight switching.

#20 Iterative Stratified Testing and Measurement for Automated Model Updates [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Elizabeth Dekeyser ; Nicholas Comment ; Shermin Pei ; Rajat Kumar ; Shruti Rai ; Fengtao Wu ; Lisa Haverty ; Kanna Shimizu

Automating updates to machine learning systems is an important but understudied challenge in AutoML. The high model variance of many cutting-edge deep learning architectures means that retraining a model provides no guarantee of accurate inference on all sample types. To address this concern, we present Automated Data-Shape Stratified Model Updates (ADSMU), a novel framework that relies on iterative model building coupled with data-shape stratified model testing and improvement. Using ADSMU, we observed a 26% (relative) improvement in accuracy for new model use cases on a large-scale NLU system, compared to a naive (manually) retrained baseline and current cutting-edge methods.

#21 SLATE: A Sequence Labeling Approach for Task Extraction from Free-form Inked Content [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Apurva Gandhi ; Ryan Serrao ; Biyi Fang ; Gilbert Antonius ; Jenna Hong ; Tra My Nguyen ; Sheng Yi ; Ehi Nosakhare ; Irene Shaffer ; Soundararajan Srinivasan

We present SLATE, a sequence labeling approach for extracting tasks from free-form content such as digitally handwritten (or “inked”) notes on a virtual whiteboard. Our approach allows us to create a single, low-latency model to simultaneously perform sentence segmentation and classification of these sentences into task/non-task sentences. SLATE greatly outperforms a baseline two-model (sentence segmentation followed by classification model) approach, achieving a task F1 score of 84.4%, a sentence segmentation (boundary similarity) score of 88.4% and three times lower latency compared to the baseline. Furthermore, we provide insights into tackling challenges of performing NLP on the inking domain. We release both our code and dataset for this novel task.

#22 Gaining Insights into Unrecognized User Utterances in Task-Oriented Dialog Systems [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Ella Rabinovich ; Matan Vetzler ; David Boaz ; Vineet Kumar ; Gaurav Pandey ; Ateret Anaby Tavor

The rapidly growing market demand for automatic dialogue agents capable of goal-oriented behavior has caused many tech-industry leaders to invest considerable efforts into task-oriented dialog systems. The success of these systems is highly dependent on the accuracy of their intent identification – the process of deducing the goal or meaning of the user’s request and mapping it to one of the known intents for further processing. Gaining insights into unrecognized utterances – user requests the systems fails to attribute to a known intent – is therefore a key process in continuous improvement of goal-oriented dialog systems. We present an end-to-end pipeline for processing unrecognized user utterances, deployed in a real-world, commercial task-oriented dialog system, including a specifically-tailored clustering algorithm, a novel approach to cluster representative extraction, and cluster naming. We evaluated the proposed components, demonstrating their benefits in the analysis of unrecognized user requests.

#23 CoCoID: Learning Contrastive Representations and Compact Clusters for Semi-Supervised Intent Discovery [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Qian Cao ; Deyi Xiong ; Qinlong Wang ; Xia Peng

Intent discovery is to mine new intents from user utterances, which are not present in the set of manually predefined intents. Previous approaches to intent discovery usually automatically cluster novel intents with prior knowledge from intent-labeled data in a semi-supervised way. In this paper, we focus on the discriminative user utterance representation learning and the compactness of the learned intent clusters. We propose a novel semi-supervised intent discovery framework CoCoID with two essential components: contrastive user utterance representation learning and intra-cluster knowledge distillation. The former attempts to detect similar and dissimilar intents from a minibatch-wise perspective. The latter regularizes the predictive distribution of the model over samples in a cluster-wise way. We conduct experiments on both real-life challenging datasets (i.e., CLINC and BANKING) that are curated to emulate the true environment of commercial/production systems and traditional datasets (i.e., StackOverflow and DBPedia) to evaluate the proposed CoCoID. Experiment results demonstrate that our model substantially outperforms state-of-the-art intent discovery models (12 baselines) by over 1.4 ACC and ARI points and 1.1 NMI points across the four datasets. Further analyses suggest that CoCoID is able to learn contrastive representations and compact clusters for intent discovery.

#24 Tractable & Coherent Multi-Document Summarization: Discrete Optimization of Multiple Neural Modeling Streams via Integer Linear Programming [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Litton J Kurisinkel ; Nancy Chen

One key challenge in multi-document summarization is the generated summary is often less coherent compared to single document summarization due to the larger heterogeneity of the input source content. In this work, we propose a generic framework to jointly consider coherence and informativeness in multi-document summarization and offers provisions to replace individual components based on the domain of source text. In particular, the framework characterizes coherence through verb transitions and entity mentions and takes advantage of syntactic parse trees and neural modeling for intra-sentential noise pruning. The framework cast the entire problem as an integer linear programming optimization problem with neural and non-neural models as linear components. We evaluate our method in the news and legal domains. The proposed approach consistently performs better than competitive baselines for both objective metrics and human evaluation.

#25 Grafting Pre-trained Models for Multimodal Headline Generation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Lingfeng Qiao ; Chen Wu ; Ye Liu ; Haoyuan Peng ; Di Yin ; Bo Ren

Multimodal headline utilizes both video frames and transcripts to generate the natural language title of the videos. Due to a lack of large-scale, manually annotated data, the task of annotating grounded headlines for video is labor intensive and impractical. Previous researches on pre-trained language models and video-language models have achieved significant progress in related downstream tasks. However, none of them can be directly applied to multimodal headline architecture where we need both multimodal encoder and sentence decoder. A major challenge in simply gluing language model and video-language model is the modality balance, which is aimed at combining visual-language complementary abilities. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to graft the video encoder from the pre-trained video-language model on the generative pre-trained language model. We also present a consensus fusion mechanism for the integration of different components, via inter/intra modality relation. Empirically, experiments show that the grafted model achieves strong results on a brand-new dataset collected from real-world applications.